Current status:
ClojureScript can now compile both its analyzer & compiler w/o errors. Can eval non-trivial ClojureScript exprs from within the JS host.
Performance reading, analysis & compilation within bootstrapped ClojureScript has been optimized to be roughly within a factor of 2 of ClojureScript JVM (varying perf between engines).
Master is successfully being used in various contexts:
The following enumerates the remaining tasks:
Ensure perf is good.
Ensure defects are addressed. Many have bootstrap
Determine if shared bootstrap REPL code will be included and implement.
* you can use the CLJS API reference to help identify imported macros and related Clojure types
As a point of reference, is a previous project to bootstrap the ClojureScript compiler. It is fairly dated since it was forked from the main tree on Nov 16th, 2012, however, it was self-hosting and allowed for a fully browser-based REPL (original version of A presentation of the project from Clojure West 2013 is here: